- Артикул:00809099
- Обложка: Мягкая обложка
- Издательство: Железнодорожное дело (все книги издательства)
- Город: Москва
- Страниц: 48
- Год: 2008
- Серия: Журнал Железнодорожное дело (все книги серии)
Подборка содержит подробное сообщение о состоявшемся в Сочи с 20 по 22 мая 2008 года третьем международном бизнес-форуме «Стратегическое партнерство 1520», на котором, в частности, была затронута и тема развития детских железных дорог. Также опубликовано сообщение о международной конференции «Развитие вокзалов России», состоявшейся в середине апреля.
Отдельные сообщения посвящены не совсем удачному пуску «Аэроэкспресса» в Шереметьево, поезду памяти в честь 65-летия Курской битвы, выставке «Ресурсосберегающие технологии на железнодорожном транспорте», а также победе Переславского музея в борьбе за грант по программе «Меняющийся музей в меняющемся мире».
Развитие вокзалов России, Стратегия 1520, Генерал-директор тяги,
Успех Переславского музея, Эконмия превыше всего, Фальстарт "Аэроэкспресса", Поезд Памяти
М. Кученев
Экспозиция России
М. Кученев
От "форменности" к "фирменности"
Начало (Окончание)
М. Антонюк
Гайворонская магистраль. Прошлое. Настоящее. Будущее?
С. Погодин
Последний пар Поднебесной
Модель паровоза QJ
Самый большой макет в России
Новинки железнодорожных моделей
A collection of articles starts with a detailed report on the 3rd international 'Strategic partnership 1520" business forum held on 20-22 May 2008 in Sochi. Development of children's railways was one of the topics discussed during the forum. Further to the topic of conferences, there is a report on the "Development of Russian railway stations" international conference held in the middle of April.
Several articles cover less than successful launch of the Aeroexpress in Sheremetyevo, the memorial train for the 65th anniversary of Kursky battle, the success of the Pereyaslavsky narrow gauge railroad museum in winning the grant in the "Changing world, changing museums- program.
Mikhail Kuchenev
Expositions in Russia
Vivid colours, stunning nature, stern and expressive faces of aborigines, landscapes, mostly unfamiliar, create an unusually strong impression from the exhibition called "Russia through a train window" by Anton Lange, the famous photo artist, which was held in Malyi Manezh in spring 2008.
Mikhail Kuchenev
From uniforms to haute couture
This June the author had to become a correspondent for a short time to interview Viktoria Andreyanova, the famous fashion designer, who had created a collection of new uniform for JSC RZHD.
Lev Ragozin
The beginning
The conclusion of our regular author's article is devoted to unknown aspects of the Railway Modeling Club's activity, such as viewing unknown railway-themed educational films, discussing new works of club members, meeting famous people.
Maxim Antonuk
Gayvoron railroad. Past. Present. Future?
Every person has their home that give rise to special emotions and pleasant memories. For the author of this article it is Gayvoron, a town closely connected to his whole life. During the last trip many interesting facts were revealed not only about the past and the present of this narrow-gauge line, but also about the prospects of its existence.
Sergei Pogodin
The last steam of the Heavenly Empire
After the trip by the amazingly picturesque Beijing-Chifyng line the author's bus carried him to his destination - the Daban locomotive round house. To his ultimate delight, the traveler managed to take pictures of the last "surviving" steam-engine locomotives on Chinese railways and see the harsh woodless landscapes of Inner Mongolia.
QJ locomotive HO-model
After a short but dynamic testing authors felt an urge to compose a mixed Moscow-Beijing train of Chinese and Soviet full-metal carriages with a QJ model in the head.
Leonid Moskalev
The biggest layout in Russia
Those who have seen the monumental building of the Communications University in St. Petersburg hardly know that this colossal building houses the biggest railway layout in Russia. About 75 meters in length along the main lines, it is accommodated into five lecture halls. Ten stations and eleven runs are replicated, four of them double-tracked and seven single-tracked.
Dmitry Vizer
The latest railway models
A considerable variety of models that came to the market this year allowed to vary their descriptions in the almanac. Recently the interest towards large replicas of G(1:22,5), 1(1:32) and 0(1:45) types has risen considerably Many companies expanded their assortment of affordable models for children and amateur modelists.
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