- Артикул:00-01093156
- Автор: Jill A. Stoddard, Niloofar Afari, Steven C. Hayes
- ISBN: 978-1608825295
- Обложка: Мягкая обложка
- Издательство: New Harbinger Publications (все книги издательства)
- Страниц: 248
- Год: 2014
- Вес: 624 г
Книга на английском языке
Being human means having feelings of every variety, some we like, and some we don’t. Pain, whether physical or emotional, is universal. While pain may feel unpleasant, it is the struggle to escape or avoid pain that most often leads to true suffering. This premise lies at the heart of acceptance and commitment therapy.
1 Overview of ACT
2 Bypassing the Traps of Language with Experiential Practice Matthieu Villatte, Jennifer L. Villatte, and Jean-Louis Monestеs
3 Acceptance and Willingness with Pia S. Heppner
4 Cognitive Defusion
5 Present-Moment Awareness with Sheeva Mostoufi and Jessica Gundy Cuneo
6 Self-as-Context and Perspective Taking
7 Values
8 Committed Action
9 Bringing It All Together
Appendix A Mindfulness Diary
Jessica Gundy Cuneo
Appendix B ACT Thought Record
Elizabeth Maher
Appendix C Music Mindfulness and Defusion Handout
Levin Schwartz
Appendix D Values Words
Nicole Rensenbrink
Appendix E The Heroes Exercise Worksheet
Rob Archer
Appendix F Writing Your Autobiography Worksheet
Mark Stern
Appendix G Values and Committed Action Worksheet
Jill Stoddard
Appendix H The Classroom Professor Graphics and Worksheet
Jill Stoddard