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TEMPO is a new three-level course for young teenagers which takes students from beginner to pre-intermediate level.
Tempo features:
Topics and stories that reflect the students' own development
A strong visual element to make the material accessible and motivating
Real, natural English, appropriate to the age group
A syllabus which has been developed in accordance with the Common European Framework
Self-assessment pages to give students a real sense of progression
The Student's Book presents and practises language through dialogues and texts that reflect the students' own reality. Grammar and vocabulary are highlighted in grammar focus boxes and in illustrated vocabulary sections.There is regular recycling and revision through photostories, cartoon strips, games and songs. Portfolio sections allow students to work collaboratively on projects and to build up a personal dossier about themselves, their interests and the world around them.
The Workbook provides further practice linked to the Student's Book. It contains vocabulary and dialogue work, grammar practice, culture spots, skills developments and study tips. Each unit opens with an easy-to-understand grammar review (Grammar File), and ends with a check section (Let's Check).
The Teacher's Book contains lesson notes, tapescripts and answer keys, as well as ideas for extra activities.
Class Audio CDs/Cassettes contain all the listening material for use with the Student's Book Other components include:
Workbook with CD-ROM - an edition of the Workbook including a fun CD-ROM for students to use at home or in class.The CD-ROM contains games, puzzles and crosswords linked to the course.
The Test Book contains tests for the teacher to use at regular intervals to assess the students' progress.
1 The match starts at 11
Present simple, revision
Present continuous, revision
Present continuous and going : to for the future, revision
So am I, So do I, Neither/
Nor am I, Neither/Nor do I
2 We have to check in at 2.15
must, revision
have to
Past simple of be, revision
Past simple of regular and irregular verbs, revision
Past continuous, revision
3. We've had an e-mail
from Tommaso
Present perfect simple
Present perfect simple with
ever and never
been and gone
once, twice, three times
4 Your wish has just come true!
Present perfect with just,
already and yet
Present perfect with for and since
Present perfect and Past simple contrasted
5 Saturday morning on the farm
If clauses with may/might
Question tags
6 It's great to be outside
Adjectives followed by to +
The infinitive of purpose
Verbs followed by to + infinitive
Verbs followed by ing form
used to + infinitive
7 The girl who lives in Mexico City
Relative pronouns: who, which/that, whose, where
The Present simple passive
8 Somebody's always late
Pronouns and adverbs beginning:
some-, any-, every-, no-
Reported commands
9 I'd gone to the cinema :
The Past perfect simple
Reported statements
10 We've been waiting here for ages
The Present perfect continuous
The Past simple passive
Reported questions