Molecular Phylogenetics (на английском языке)

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  • Артикул:00468963
  • Автор: Троицкий А.
  • ISBN: 978-5-94588-074-0
  • Обложка: Мягкая обложка
  • Издательство: ТОРУС ПРЕСС (все книги издательства)
  • Город: Москва
  • Страниц: 218
  • Формат: 70x100/16 (~170x240 мм)
  • Год: 2010
  • Вес: 350 г

Knowledge of phylogeny is of fundamental importance in evolutionary studies, fron the reconstruction of the Tree of Life to revealing and understanding the laws of body plan formation (the evo-devo realm), to describing the patterns and processes of microevolution. The discipline of phylogenetics has evolved radically in the capi talizing on theoretical and methodological breakthroughs in analyses and algorithms on the exponential increase in molecular data, and on the availability of vast com puting power to enter the phylogenomic era. A solid methodological framework for phylogenomic analysis is emerging, applying data derived from whole genomes to problems in deep phylogeny, functional genomics, speciation and divergence, am phylogeography. The 2nd Moscow International Conference "Molecular Phyloge-netics" (MolPhy-2) provided a stimulating platform for the exchange of ideas am experiences, cross-disciplinary interactions, and long-term national and international collaborations. Its major focus was to discuss the modern state of molecular phy-logenetics and systematics, the interfaces between molecular and phenosystematics molecular phylogenetics of different organisms, and the development of natural classification systems.
The conference was dedicated to the memory of Professor Andrey Antonov, the founder of the Russian molecular phylogenetics school.

Genomic insights into the origins of metazoan signaling pathways
V. V. Aleoshin and К. V. Mikhailov
The Archaebacterial origins of eukaryotes
Т. M. Embley
iBOL - the International Barcode of Life project
N. V. Ivanova and P. D. N. Hebert
Maintenance of allelic polymorphism in miRNA824 processing
Jin- Yong Ни, Li Lei, and J. de Meaux
Expression of evolutionarily new genes in tumors and the possible role of tumors in the origin of new cell types
A. P. Kozlov
Statistics and truth in phylogenomics
S. Kumar
Measuring and representing incongruence in phylogenetic forests
F.-J. Lapointe
Revolution in zoology: New bilaterian phylogeny
V. Malakhov
Mutational dynamics and phylogenetic utility of plastid DNA
D. Quandt, K. Muller, and Th. Borsch
Paleogenomics in silico: Reconstruction of ancestral genomes in vertebrates using gene phytogenies
H. Roest Crollius
Employing molecular phylogenetic hypotheses to reconstruct temporal-spatial events shaping the tree of life
H. Schneider
The instability of the animal tree of life: Causes of error in molecular systematics
J. W. Wagele
Search for a Tree of Life in the phylogenetic forest
Y. I. Wolf, P. Puigbd, and E. V. Koonin
Molecular phylogeny of speciose genus Microtus (Arvicolinae, Rodentia) inferred from nuclear genes with subsequent systematic implications
N. I. Abramson and A. Yu. Kostygov
Population genetic analysis of Deschampsia antarctica from two regions of Maritime Antarctica
/. O. Andreev, К. V. Spiridonova, S. S. Kyryachenko,
I. Yu. Parnikoza, D. M. Maidaniuk, I. A. Kozeretska,
and V. A. Kunakh
Molecular phylogenetics and phylogeography of Palearctic coregonid fishes (Coregonidae, Salmoniformes, Teleostei) with special reference to whitefishes of southern Siberia
N. A. Bochkarev, E.I. Zuykova, A. V. Katokhin, N. Yu. Gordon,
S. N. Baldina, and D. V. Politov
Significance of sperm morphology and 18 and 28S rRNA gene nucleotide sequences of brachiopods for their systematics and phylogeny
A.L. Drozdov, V. V. Vinnikova, S. A. Tyurin,
I. P. Vladychenskaya, and N. B. Petrov
The new algorithm for reconstruction of large phytogenies of complete human mitochondrial DNAs
N. P. Eltsov
Place of origin of the genus Allium: Key study of the subgenera Amerallium and Anguinum
N. Fries en
Diversity and phylogeny of chloroplast genomes in D-genome Aegilops group based on cpSSR date
S. V. Goryunova, N. N. Chikida, E. D. Badaeva,
and V. A. Pukhalskiy
Short Interspersed Elements of Squamate reptiles
V. V. Grechko, S. A. Kosushkin, 0. R. Borodulina, F. G. Butaeva,
and I. S. Darevsky
Computer system for analysis of molecular evolution modes of protein-coding genes: Relation of molecular evolution with the phenotypical features of organisms
К. V. Gunbin, D.A. Afonnikov, M.A. Genaev,
and N. A. Kolchanov

Ten years of molecular studies of the bryophyte family Brachytheciaceae: Results and perspectives
S. Huttunen and M. S. Ignatov
Assembling multigene datasets for deep phylogeny with iPhy
M. Jones and M. Blaxter
Genetics of speciation in animals: Inferences from sequence divergence at Co-1 and Cyt-b mtDNA on different taxonomic levels
Yu. Ph. Kartavtsev
Molecular phylogeny in systematics of oligochaeta: Pro et contra
I. A. Kaygorodova
Next-generation de novo genomic sequencing of an obligate biotrophic plant pathogen, Albugo laibachii
E. Kemen, A. Gardiner, A. Balmuth, T. Schultz-Larsen,
A. Robert-Seilaniantz, K. Bailey, A. Kemen, and J. Jones
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Batrachocottus of Lake Baikal Cottoid fish: The new view on the structure and evolution
S. V. Kirilchik, V. I. Teterina, V. M. Yakhnenko, C. Poux,
B. E. Bogdanov, and E. Verheyen
Molecular taxonomy and phylogeny of Capsicum
E. Z. Kochieva and N. N. Ryzhova
Plant plastids and cyanobacteria: Common genes and evolution
О. A. Koksharova
Comparison of protein phylogeny reconstruction methods on natural protein sequences
M. S. Krivozubov and S. A. Spirin
Phylogeographic patterns of vertebrates in the Russian Far East
A. P. Kryukov
The gene and lineage effects affect topology of phylogeny trees in the Drosophila virilis species group
A. M. Kulikov and О. E. Lazebny
Molecular-genetic study of tulips (subgenus Eriostemones)
N.A. Kutlunina, M.I. Zherebtsova, and V. V. Kotseruba
Haplotype diversity of Bulgarian red deer (Census elaphus L.)
M. V. Kuznetsova and G. G. Markov
Independent origin of the barb {Labeobarbus, Cyprinidae) species flocks in the four river systems of Ethiopia: Evidence from mitochondrial DNA sequences
B. A. Levin, A.S. Golubtsov, Yu. Yu. Dgebuadze, N. S. Mugue,
and I. Doadrio
Molecular phylogeny of cercarial isolates of Russian and Belorussian
bird schistosomes (Schistosomatidae, Trematoda) and its
intermediate snail hosts as inferred the ITS2 rDNA sequences
A. A. Lopatkin, G. G. Chrisanfova, V.A. Vastlyev, M. V. Voronin,
V.A. Mischenkov, O.P. Zazomova, S.A. Beer, Т. V. Zhukova,
A. P. Ryskov, and S.K. Semyenova
Fast and slow evolution of bacterial type promoters in plastids
of Streptophyta
V. Lyubetsky and A. Seliverstov
A new concept of ontogenetic systematics:
Toward to synthesis of taxonomy, ontogeny, and phylogenetics
A. V. Martynov
Correlation between nucleosome formation potential of 5'-UTR
and elongation efficiency index of coding sequences
of S. cerevisiae genome
Yu. G. Matushkun, V.A. Likhoshvai, and V. G. Levitsky
Habitat associated convergent evolution in mosses -
the Neckeraceae as an example
S. Olsson, V. Buchbender, J. Enroth, L. Hedends, S. Huttunen,
and D. Quandt
Evolutionary fate of CpG and CNG clusters in mammals
N. Oparina, M. Fridman, and V. Makeev
Studying brown algae: Integration of genomics, transcriptomics,
and DNA physical properties data in the model Ectocarpus portal
A. A. Osypov, K. Billiau, L. Sterck, S. Dittami, T. Tonon,
Y. Van de Peer, and M. Cock
Development of a new system of genetic markers for Kamchatkan
mykiss (Parasalmo (O.) mykiss) as approach to study salmonic fish
S.D. Pavlov, M.N. Melnikova, A.L. Senchukova,
and E. A. Pivovarov
New insight into phylogeny of Mesozoa:
Evidence from 18 and 28S rRNA genes
N. B. Petrov, V. V. Aleoshin, A.N. Pegova, M.V. Ophitserov,
and G. S. Slyusarev
Gene trees vs. species trees in reconstructing complex relationships:
The case of Rosa
I. A. Schanzer
Genetic differentiation and relationships among the North Asia
for species (Abies Mill., Pinaceae), inferred from cytoplasmic
and nuclear DNA variation
S.A. Semerikova, M. A. Polezhaeva, and V.L. Semerikov
Current state of molecular studies of microevolutionary processes in Baicalian endemic invertebrates
D. Yu. Sherbakov
Spatial genetic structure of the metapopulation of Melittis sarmatica Klok. on the territory of Volkovysk Elevation (Belarus)
A. V. Shevkunova and 0. Yu. Urbanovich
Microevolution and development theory and practice of plant improvement
Yu. Sivolap
Comparing morphological and molecular data
as sources of phylogenetic information: Morphological
cladistic analysis of Anthyllis (Leguminosae, Loteae)
D. D. Sokoloff, G. V. Degtjareva, Т. H. Samigullin,
and С. M. Valiejo-Roman
Phylogeny of the sunwatcher agama species complex, Phrynocephalus helioscopus (Reptilia, Agamidae) inferred from mitochondrial and nuclear DNA markers
E. N. Solovyeva, N.A. Poyarkov, E.A. Dunayev,
and A. A. Bannikova
Complete mitochondrial genome sequence of D. littoralis (Diptera: Drosophilidae): Comparative analysis of the mitochondrial genomes in Drosophila virilis species group
S. Yu. Sorokina, В. V. Andrianov, and V. G. Mitrofanov
Acquisition of animal parasitism in the evolution of nematodes: Counting cases
S. E. Spiridonov and E. S. Ivanova
Tool and methods for analysis of the gene networks evolution
V. S. Timonov, К. V. Gunbin, 1.1. Turnaev, and D. S. Miginsky Phylogenetic information content of the ribosomal DNA repeat unit in the Cyclopoida (Crustacea)
M. V. Zagoskin, A.K. Grishanin, A.B. Nikishina,
and D. V. Mukha
Phylogenetic relationships of wild and cultivated peas as inferred from His5 gene sequences
О. O. Zaytseva, О. E. Kosterin, and V. S. Bogdanova


Phylogenetic relationships among leafy Brassica rapa L. types
A. M. Artemyeva
Phylogenic relationships and species composition in the genus Niviventer (Rodentia: Muridae) in Vietnam as inferred from mitochondrial cytochrome b gene
A.E. Balakirev and V. V. Rozhnov
Molecular phylogeny of the genus Sicista (RODENTIA, DIPODOIDEA) based on nuclear and mitochondrial data
M. I. Baskevich and S. G. Potapov
Phylogenetic affiliation of fluorescent pseudomonads
from Belarusian collection of nonpathogenic microorganisms
D. P. Bazhanov and К. K. Yatsevich
Intraspecific differentiation in Harmonia axyridis Pall, by complex
of morphological polymorphic features and variability of mitochondrial gene COI
A. V. Blekhman, LA. Zakharov, and I.I. Goryacheva
Using DNA sequences of two mitochondrial genes (CO/ and COII) for taxonomy and phylogeny of Acrididae grasshoppers (Orthoptera, Caelifera, Acridoidea)
A. Bugrov and A. Blinov
Genetic polymorphism of small nationality - Nagaibaks living in Chelyabinsk region
A. L. Burmistrova, O.N. Zaripova, T. A. Suslova,
S. V. Timopheeva, and M. S. Chemova
Structure of the proteins and latent periodicity in the genes
M. B. Chaley and V. A. Kutyrkin
RAPD-PCR analysis of mutant lines Arabidopsis Thaliana (L.) HEYNH.
T.N. Checheneva, O.M. Medved', D. A. Kiselev, and A. V. Dubin Phylogeny of the Drosophila virilis group based on the Ras 1 gene sequences
A.I. Chekunova, S. S. Mikhailovskii, I. V. Lazebnaya,
and V. G. Mitrofanov
Molecular evolution of the plastid psbA-trnH intergenic spacer in the Apiaceae-Apioideae genera with short spacer length G. V. Degtjareva, E. I. Terentieva, С. M. Valiejo-Roman,
Т. H. Samigullin, and E. V. Kljuykov
RAPD and ISSR markers for study of genetic variation among parsley accessions (Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) Nym.)
A. Domblides, E. Domblides, V. Kharchenko, and G. Potekhin Estimation of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships in A and С genome accessions of Brassica using RAPD markers
E. Domblides, A. Domblides, V. Startsev, and L. Bondareva
Mathematical modeling of intraspecific evolution of plague agent
G.A. Eroshenko, Yu. P. Volkov, A. A. Eroshenko,
and V. V. Kutyrev
Molecular phylogenetic analysis of mitochondrial genes of diatoms
Yu.P. Galachyants
Carbohydrate and mineral exchanges of children of Chukotka in ontogeny
Т. V. Godovykh
Finding homology of diatoms frustulins to proteins of plant and animal origin
K. S. Golokhvast and I. A. Pamirskiy
Genotyping of tomato lines and varieties from Belarussian collections using SSR and Cf markers
Z.E. Grushetskaya, S. V. Malyshev, V.A. Lemesh,
and A. V. Kilchevsky
PEFF DB: The manually curated database of protein evolutional and functional features
К. V. Gunbin, D.A. Afonnikov, M.A. Genaev,
and N. A. Kolchanov
Evolution of GTF2I gene family
К. V. Gunbin, I. V. Medvedeva, V. A. Ivanisenko,
and A. O. Ruvinsky
Morphometric and mitochondrial DNA analysis of Pangasiid catfish species (Teleostei:Pangasiidae) from Peninsular Malaysia: Implications on potential aquaculture impacts on the natural indigenous Pangasiid populations
B. Haslawati, M. Rizman-Idid, A. R. Zulkafli, S. Muniandy,
and M. Zakaria-Ismail
To the question about molecular bases of plant ecology
R. S. Ivanov, G. H. Vafina, and E. A. Ivanova
Intron-containing genes indicate divergence of eukaryotes
A. Kabdullina, M. Tauasarova, A. Ivachshenko, S. Atambayeva,
and V. Khailenko
Phylogenetic relationships in Fagopyrum species based on nucleotide polymorphism of b/c intron of nad1 gene
G. D. Kadyrova and E. Z. Kochieva
Evolution and mobile elements
R. N. Kalendar
Enzyme loci variability of Picea abies (L.) Karst. and P. obovata Ledeb. inrogressive zone proveniences
I.I. Kamalova, E.N. Nakvasina, N.I. Vnukova, A.I. Iroshnikov,
and A. M. Shutyaev
Cladistic analysis of plant homologs of human microtubule-and cell cycle related serine-threonine protein kinases
P. A. Karpov, E. S. Nadezhdina, A.I. Yemets, and Ya. B. Blume
Detection of insertion sequences in mtDNA: What transmission routs are probable in fish and birds, gender, horizontal or both?
Yu. Ph. Kartavtsev
Sequence divergence within Altai Osmans genus Oreoleuciscus (Pisces, Cyprinidae, Leuciscinae) based on mtDNA Co-7 gene
Yu. Ph. Kartavtsev, N. M. Batishcheva, S. N. Sharina,
and N. G. Bogutskaya
Investigation of scorpionfish and perch-like species of Russia on Co-1 gene sequence data with phylogenetic and taxonomic outcomes
Yu. Ph. Kartavtsev, S. N. Sharina, S. V. Turanov,
and A. A. Advolodkin
Molecular phylogenetic and demographic history of Baikal oligochaete populations
/. A. Kaygorodova and Yu. S. Bukin
Comparison of fish tissue storage methods for DNA extraction in phylogenetic studies
E. Keskin
Studying of phylogenetic mutual relations between the apple cultivars of the Ukrainian and foreign breeding
D. A. Kiselev and T. N. Checheneva
Associations between the White Sea invertebrates and oxygen-evolving phototrophic microorganisms: A phylogenetic study
0. A. Koksharova, T.R. Kravzova, T.A. Fedorenko,
E. 0. Omarova, 0. A. Gorelova, О. I. Baulina,
and E. S. Lobakova
Cyst-forming trypanosomatids: Molecular phylogeny recruits morphology to challenge taxonomy
A. Yu. Kostygov
Population and genetic structure of pedunculate oak in Belarus on the basis of analysis of variation of nuclear and chloroplast loci
O. A. Kovalevich, D. I. Kagan, and S. V. Panteleev
Molecular markers for maize genetics resources evaluation
N. E. Kozhukhova
DNA-barcoding as methods of identification of mites
S. V. Kravchenko, A. V. Alexandrenko, and A. V. Tolstikov
Phylogenetic relationships of endemic Paratanytarsus baicalensis Tshern. to some genera of the tribe Tanytarsini (Diptera: Chironomidae)
L. S. Kravtsova, D. Yu. Sherbakov, and О. V. Mayer
Functional comparison of mitochondrial endonuclease EndoG and prokaryotic Serratia marcescens and Anabaena sp. endonucleases
E. V. Kryakounova, R. G. Khamidullina, and O.A. Gimadutdinow Molecular-genetic study of Woodsia calcarea (Fomin) Schmakov population
A. A. Kuznetsov, M. G. Kutsev, A.I. Shmakov, I.I. Gureeva,
and A. V. Vaganov
To the peculiarities of Influenza A virus evolution. Statistical analysis
of virus genome and prediction of variable regions in primary
structure of matrix M1 protein
M. A. Kuznetsova, V.A. Pekov, A.L. Ksenofontov,
L. V. Kordyukova, and V. L. Drutsa
The speciation in status nascendi of the Siberian apple-tree
of the species Malus baccata (L.) Borkh
E. V. Kuznetsova, Т. E. Peretolchina, D. Yu. Sherbakov,
and A. V. Rudikovskiy
Phylogenetic relationships within the algae scraping cyprinid genus
Capoeta (Teleostei: Cyprinidae)
B. A. Levin, J. Freyhof, Z. Lajbner, S. Perea, and I. Doadrio
Independent origin of periphyton scrapers among the African polyploid barbins (Cyprinidae): Polyphyly of the genus Varicorhinus inferred using mitochondrial DNA sequences
B. A. Levin, N.S. Mugue, Yu. Yu. Dgebuadze, and A.S. Golubtsov
The evolution of proline synthesis transcription regulation in gamma
K. Lopatovskaya, K. Gorbunov, L. Rusin, A. Seliverstov,
and V. Lyubetsky
Evolution of NtcA- and NtcB-regulons in cyanobacteria
and rhodophyte chloroplasts
K. Lopatovskaya, L. Rusin, A. Seliverstov, and V. Lyubetsky
A new set of markers for human identification based
on 32 polymorphic Alu insertions
I. Z. Mamedov, S. V. Ustyugova, D.A. Shagin, and Y.B. Lebedev
The RAPD-analysis of perennial sunflower species Helianthus
rigidus Desf.
N. V. Markin, M.A. Tikhonova, V.A. Gavrilova,
and A. V. Usatov
Molecular phylogeny of Cockroaches (Dictyoptera, Blattina) based
on comparative analysis of ribosomal DNA
V. A. Mavropulo, S. V. Lukyantsev, L. N. Anisyutkin,
and D. V. Mukha
Molecular phylogeny of Schistidium (Grimmiaceae, Musci)
LA. Milyutina, E. A. Ignatova, M.S. Ignatov, D. V. Goryunov,
and A. V. Troitsky
Phylogenetic analysis of the GH114 family of glycoside hydrolases
D. G. Naumoff and 0. 0. Stepuschenko
Hexadecanoid pathway in plants
E. V. Osipova, Yu. V. Gogolev, and A.N. Grechkin
Using DEPPDB - DNA electrostatic and other physical properties database - in the evolutionary studies
A. A. Osypov, G. G. Krutinin, E.A. Krutinina,
P. M. Beskaravayny, and S. G. Kamzolova
The speciation and the evidence of the mitochondrial introgression in the endemic species of mollusks of the genus Baicalia
Т.Е. Peretolchina, A. V. Novikov, and D. Yu. Sherbakov
Evolutionary relationships of Ca/yptogena-species (Bivalvia, Vesicomyidae) from Western Pacific
N. B. Petrov, I. P. Vladychenskaya, E. M. Krylova,
and В. A. Marshall
Use of molecular markers for studying species of Lupinus
S. V. Petruchenya, V. S. Anokhina, L. N. Kaminskaya,
and I. B. Sauk
Estimation of genetic diversity and phylogenetic relationships Achillea glaberrima Klokov and Achillea leptophilla Bieb. using RAPD analysis
Ya. V. Pirko, L.P. Taranets, O.A. Shakula, I.I. Korshikov,
and Ya. B. Blume
Cytoplasmic DNA variation and biogeography of Larix Mill, in Northeast Asia
M. A. Polezhaeva and 0. S. Dymshakova
Identification of unique Cryptosporidium sites using the technique of massively parallel computing based on CUDA
M. A. Potehina, S. V. Fironov, and A. A. Pogoda
Revegetation on the landfills for the purpose of landscape improvement
О. V. Potipak
Patterns of a variation of levels of genetic differentiation in the Asian and American populations of species of Pacific Salmons (Oncorhynchus, Salmoniformes)
S. P. Pustovoit
Phylogenetic relationships of the genus of Mus using t-specific microsatellite markers of DNA
L. D. Safronova, S. G. Potapov, V. G. Petrosyan,
and A. I. Chekunova
Structure of AFLP based genetic diversity in the populations of Abies sibirica Ledeb
S.A. Semerikova and V. L. Semerikov
Molecular phylogeny and taxonomy studies of the family Pleuronectidae (Pisces: Pleuronectiformes) from North-West Pacific based on two mtDNA genes, Co-1 and Cyt-b
S.N. Sharina and Yu. Ph. Kartavtsev
Phylogenetic interrelations in population oiAesculus hippocastanum L. (Kyiv, Ukraine)
E.E. Shavanova, D.A. Kiselev, and T.N. Checheneva
Molecular markers of Dolly Varden adaptive divergence E. A. Shubina, M. A. Nikitin, E. V. Ponomareva,
and O. F. Gritsenko
Phylogenetic position of Colpodella angusta, and affiliation of photosynthetic organism Chromera velia to colpodellids as inferred from molecular phylogeny analysis using small subunit rRNA gene sequences
T. G. Simdyanov, M. V. Ophitserov, A. P. Mylnikov,
and V. V. Aleoshin
Localization of DNA sequences tightly associated with synaptonemal complex in compositional fractions of golden hamster and human genome
Т. V. Sizova, О. I. Karpova, M. V. Penkina, and Yu. F. Bogdanov
Polymorphism of mitochondrial genome of sable (Martes zibellina L.): Comparison of natural and domesticated populations
S. Yu. Sorokina, В. V. Andrianov, 1.1. Goryacheva,
0. E. Lazebny, and S. N. Kashtanov
Analysis of protein length isoforms in prokaryotes for single-domain
P. A. Starostina, D. A. Afonnikov, and К. V. Gunbin
Evolution of Lake Baikal coregonine fishes: Is it an example of periodic intra-lacustrine adaptive diversification?
L. V. Sukhanova, Т. V. Belomestnikh, S. V. Kirilchik,
V. V. Smirnov, and N. S. Smirnova-Zalumi
Reproductive strategy of the sable (MARTES ZIBELLINA L): The analysis of heritability of litter size in farmed population
G. R. Svishcheva and S. N. Kashtanov
Comparative nuclear and chloroplast markers analysis reveals
the polyphyly of the tribe Coriandreae (Umbelliferae-Apioideae)
E. I. Terentieva, С. M. Valiejo-Roman, Т. H. Samigullin,
M. G. Pimenov, and E. V. Kljuykov
Single nucleotide polymorphism markers in genetic stock identification of Lake Baikal oilfishes
V. I. Teterina, A. M. Mamontov, and S. V. Kirilchik
Molecular-genetic identification of Russian sturgeon (Acipenser gueldenstadtii) and beluga (Huso huso) for aqvaculture
N.N. Timoshkina, A.E. Barmintseva, and D. V. Kovalenko
Origin of the CYP74 family of cytochromes P450 diversity based on results of site-directed mutagenesis
Ya. Yu. Toporkova, L. Sh. Muchtarova, Yu. V. Gogolev,
and A.N. Grechkin
Swine, avian and human influenza and the origins of the influenza A (H1N1) pandemic strain
F. Torrens and G. Castellano
The bioinformatical analysis of promoter regions p53 and ob genes at mammals
V. A. Trofimov, S.N. Palaev, A. V. Nikulin, A.M. Oreshin,
and E. N. Lopukhova
Microchromosomes of Aves are genetically changeable
A. V. Trukhina and A. F. Smirnov
Genetic differentiation of the zokors (Rodentia, Myospalacinae) inferred from variation of two mitochondrial DNA markers: Cytochrome b and control region
M. V. Tsvirka, M. V. Pavlenko, and V. P. Korablev
The relationship between evolutionary changes in cyclins and increasing the complexity of eukaryotes
/./. Turnaev, К. V. Gunbin, V. V. Suslov, andD.A. Afonnikov
SSR-allele polymorphism of pear cultivars growing in Belarus
O. Yu. Urbanovich, Z.A. Kazlovskaya, V.A. Yakimovich,
and N. A. Kartel
Variability of representatives genius Asplenium L. from Altai based on RAPD-PCR
О. V. Uvarova and A. I. Shmakov
Intra- and interspecies evolution of three noncoding DNA regions in Apiaceae plant family
С. M. Valiejo-Roman and V. S. Shneyer
Phylogenetic analysis of six-domain multicopper blue proteins
A. V. Vasin, S. A. Klotchenko, and L. V. Puchkova
On molecular phylogeny and systematics of suborder Cephaloziineae (Jungermanniales, Marchantiophyta)
A. A. Vilnet, N.A. Konstantinova, and A. V. Troitsky

Analysis of the degenerate motifs in 5'-regulatory regions
of brain-specific miRNA genes of primates
О. V. Vishnevsky, К. V. Gunbin, A. V. Bocharnikov,
and E. V. Berezikov
A molecular phylogeny of the subgenus Polyommatus (s. str.) based
on mitochondrial COI sequence (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae)
D. I. Vodolazhsky and В. V. Stradomsky
Multilocus sequence typing is an important approach of molecular ecology
0. L. Voronina, M.S. Kunda, V.G. Lunin, and A. L. Gintsburg
Species differences of coagulase-negative staphylococci from two
hospitals demonstrated by genotyping
O. L. Voronina, M. S. Kunda, M. E. Subbotina, V. G. Lunin,
and O. A. Dmitrenko
Genotyping in decision of problem of Bifidobacterium species
identification by biochemical approach
0. L. Voronina, M. S. Kunda, M. E. Subbotina, O. G. Zhilenkova,
and A. M. Amerkhanova
Genetic heterogeneity and divergence chicken with roots of fight
A. F. Yakovlev, V. I. Tishenko, N. V. Dementeva,
О. V. Mitrofanova, and V. P. Terletsky
A comparative analysis of the hsp70 genes system in two species
of the family Stratiomyidae (Diptera)
/. A. Yushenova, O. G. Zatsepina, A. A. Przhiboro,
M. B. Evgen'ev, and D. G. Garbuz
Phylogenetic analysis of human P[8]G9 rotavirus strains circulating
in Novosibirsk, Western Siberia during 2004-2009
E. V. Zhirakovskaya, A. Yu. Tikunov, and N. V. Tikunova


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Журналы и бланки

Журналы для автодорог, дорожного хозяйстваЖурналы для АЗС и АЗГСЖурналы для аптекЖурналы для архивовЖурналы для аттракционовЖурналы для банковЖурналы для бассейновЖурналы для бухгалтерииЖурналы для газовых хозяйств, газораспределительных систем, ГАЗПРОМаЖурналы для гостиниц, общежитий, хостеловЖурналы для грузоподъемных механизмовЖурналы для делопроизводстваЖурналы для драгметалловЖурналы для ЖКХЖурналы для канатных дорог, фуникулеровЖурналы для кладбищЖурналы для конструкторских, научно-техническая документацияЖурналы для лесных хозяйствЖурналы для лифтовЖурналы для медицинских учрежденийЖурналы для МЧСЖурналы для нефтебазЖурналы для нефтепромысла, нефтепроводовЖурналы для образовательных учрежденийЖурналы для парикмахерских, салонов красоты, маникюрных, педикюрных кабинетовЖурналы для проверки и контроля госорганами, контролирующими организациямиЖурналы для промышленностиЖурналы для работ с повышенной опасностьюЖурналы для регулирования алкогольного рынкаЖурналы для сельских хозяйств, ветеринарииЖурналы для складовЖурналы для снегоплавильных пунктовЖурналы для стройки, строительстваЖурналы для тепловых энергоустановок, котельныхЖурналы для транспортаЖурналы для туризмаЖурналы для учреждений культуры, библиотек, музеевЖурналы для церкви, религиозных организацийЖурналы для шахт, рудников, метрополитенов, подземных сооруженийЖурналы для электроустановокЖурналы и бланки для армии, вооруженных силЖурналы и бланки для нотариусов, юристов, адвокатовЖурналы и бланки для организаций пищевого производства, общепита и пищевых блоковЖурналы и бланки для организаций, занимающихся охраной объектов и частных лицЖурналы и бланки для ФТС РФ (таможни)Журналы и бланки по экологииЖурналы и бланки, используемые в торговле, бытовом обслуживанииЖурналы и бланки, относящиеся к нескольким отраслямЖурналы по геодезии, геологииЖурналы по метрологииЖурналы по охране труда и технике безопасностиЖурналы по пожарной безопасностиЖурналы по психологииЖурналы по санитарии, проверкам СЭСЖурналы по связиЖурналы по эксплуатации зданий и сооруженийЖурналы по энергетикеЖурналы, бланки, формы для кадровых работЖурналы, бланки, формы документов для органов прокуратуры и суда, минюста, пенитенциарной системыЖурналы, бланки, формы документов МВД РФ, РосгвардииКомплекты документов и журналовОбложки для журналов и удостоверенийСамокопирующиеся бланки

Знаки безопасности, таблички, стенды

Вспомогательные знаки, таблички-наклейкиЗапрещающие знакиЗнаки для инвалидовЗнаки для уборки и сбора мусораЗнаки на автомобильЗнаки пожарной безопасностиЗнаки электробезопасностиИнформационные знаки для строительных площадокМедицинские и санитарные знакиНаклейкиПредписывающие знакиПредупреждающие знакиСтендыУказательные знакиЭвакуационные знакиЮмористические знаки



Букинистическая литератураГОСТы, ОСТыДетская литератураДомашний кругДругоеИскусство. Культура. ФилологияКниги в электронном видеКниги издательства "Комсомольская правда"Компьютеры и интернетКосмосНаука. Техника. МедицинаНормативные правовые актыОбщественные и гуманитарные наукиОхрана труда, обеспечение безопасностиПодарочные книгиПутешествия. Отдых. Хобби. СпортРелигия. Оккультизм. ЭзотерикаРостехнадзорСанПины, СП, МУ, МР, ГНСборники рецептур блюд для предприятий общественного питанияСНиП, СП, СО,СТО, РД, НП, ПБ, МДК, МДС, ВСНУчебный годХудожественная литератураЭкономическая литератураЭнциклопедии, справочники, словари


Ленты с тиснением


Авиационные и военные линейкиДетские линейкиМедицинские линейкиПортновские линейкиТехнические линейкиТрафареты с чертежными шрифтамиЧертежные линейки

Маркировочная продукция

Маркировка трубопровода "Вода"Маркировка трубопровода "Воздух"Маркировка трубопровода "Газ"Маркировка трубопровода "Жидкость"Маркировка трубопровода "Кислота"Маркировка трубопровода "Пар"Маркировка трубопровода "Прочие вещества"Маркировка трубопровода "Щелочь"

Материалы для типографии (мини-типографии)

Бумага для оргтехникиКлейПереплетные материалыПленка для печати и ламинацииФольга для тиснения

Металлические изделия (металлическая мебель, конструкции, навесы)

Металлическая мебельМеталлические изделия для дачи и дома

Носки и портянки

Одноразовая одежда

Охрана труда

Печати и штампы

Медицинские печати и штампыОснастки, самонаборные штампыПечати и штампы для бухгалтерии и делопроизводстваПечати и штампы для водителейПечать фирмы (организации, компании, подразделения, отдела)Штампы по техническому контролю, учету и хранению


Погоны министерств и ведомств

Подарки нашим покупателям


Портреты знаменитых людей


Бизнес сувениры, корпоративные подаркиБрелкиГимн России. Эксклюзивное графическое оформление в багетном обрамленииГудки и Рожки охотничьиЗажигалкиКружки для термопереносаКружки подарочныеПодарочные наборы игрПредметы интерьераСувениры, подарки для мужчин


Рогатки спортивные


Товары "Юнармия"


Товары для дома и офиса

Грамоты и благодарностиИндикаторы стерилизацииКанцелярские товарыКаски, защитные очки, маскиКухонные принадлежностиОгнетушителиПланы эвакуацииСамоспасателиСредства дезинфекцииТовары для ремонтаФитолампы и прожекторыХозяйственные товарыЭлектроудлинители, тройники, катушкиЭлектроустановочные изделия

Товары для здоровья, БАДы

Аюрведические товарыСредства гигиены, косметика из минералов Мертвого моря

Товары для развития, игрушки

Бумажные модели

Товары для спорта, туризма и охоты

Походные сумки, рюкзаки и мешочки для храненияСигнальное снаряжениеТовары для фитнеса

Удостоверения, Свидетельства

Зачетные книжки, студенческие билетыУдостоверения для спортивных секцийУдостоверения рабочих различных специальностей

Упаковка, упаковочные материалы

Коробки картонные

Членские книжки

ГК, ГСК, членские книжки, пропуска и пр.Садоводческие книжки, членские книжки СНТ