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Macmillan Primary Grammar 2 - вторая часть трёхуровневого курса практической грамматики английского языка для детей 6-10 лет.
Основная задача - сформировать у детей грамматические навыки необходимые в ситуациях повседневного общения.
Articles, to be, where, prepositions of place
Plurals, there is/there ate, imperative
Present simple, adverbs of frequency
this/these, that/those, possessive, whose
how much/many, quantifiers, have got
Present continuous
can, must, prepositions of time
Past simple of to be, there was / there were, time expressions
Past simple of regular verbs, when
Past simple of irregular verbs, questions
Future simple, object pronouns, question words
Irregular verbs