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Книга на английском языкеMore and more the most traditional and typical applied ergonomics issues of the activities related to sea shipping, vehicle driving, and flying are required to deal with some emerging topics related to the growing automatism and manning reduction, the ICTs advances and pervasiveness, and the new demographic and social phenomena, such as aging or multiculturalism.
With contributions from expert researchers, professionals, and doctoral students from a wide number of countries such as Australia, Austria, Canada, Italy, Germany, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, UK and USA, this multi-contributed book will explore traditional and emerging topics of Human Factors centered around the maritime, road, rail, and aviation transportation domains.
Section I Maritime Domain
1. Ergonomics and Modern Technology in the Restoration of Historic Vessels: A Challenge for a New Life
Maria Carola Morozzo della Rocca
2. Assessing the Fitness of Information Supply and Demand during User Interface Design
Christian Denker, Florian Fortmann, Marie-Christin Ostendorp, and Axel Hahn
3. Visual Pleasantness in Interior Yacht Design: A Case Study of the Pleasure-Based Approach Application
Massimo Di Nicolantonio, Giuseppe Di Bucchianico, Stefania Camplone, and Andrea Vallicelli
4. Implementing Information and Communication Technology Onboard: An Example for the Integration of Information Received via Communication Equipment with Onboard Navigation Systems
Eric Holder and Florian Motz
5. Using Eye-Tracking and Mouse Cursor Location to Examine Visual Alerting in a Multi-Display Environment
Jacquelyn Crebolder and Joshua Salmon
6. Seeking Harmony in Shore-Based Unmanned Ship Handling: From the Perspective of Human Factors, What Is the Difference We Need to Focus on from Being Onboard to Onshore?
Yemao Man, Monica Lundh, and Thomas Porathe
7. A Multi-Method Analysis of the Accessibility of the Izmir Ferry System
Sebastiano Ercoli, Andrea Ratti, and Emre Ergiil
8. In Yacht Design, Contemporary Society Conditionings Require New Human Factors Solutions for Older Adults
Massimo Musio-Sale
9. Human Diversity in the Maritime Design Domain: Social and Economic Opportunities of the Innovative Approaches of Design for Inclusion
Giuseppe Di Bucchianico
Section II Rail Domain
10. Leading Indicators of Operational Risk on the Railway: A Novel Use for Underutilized Data Recordings
Guy Walker ami Ailsa Strathie
11. To Beep or Not to Beep: Developing a Non-Fail-Safe Warning System in a Fail-Safe Train Protection Environment
Richard van der Weide, Kirsten Schreibers, and Colete Weeda
12. Evaluating Design Hypotheses for Pedestrian Behavior at Rail Level Crossings
Gemma I. M. Read, Paul M. Salmon, Michael G. Lenne, and Elizabeth M. Grey
13. Drivers' Visual Scanning and Head Check Behavior on Approach to Urban Rail Level Crossings
Kristie L. Young, Michael G. Lenne, Vanessa Beanland, Paul M. Salmon, and Neville A. Stanton
14. An Evaluation of a National Rail Suicide Prevention Program
Ann Mills, Alice Monk, and Ian Stevens
Section III Road Domain
15. Analyzing Eco-Driving with the Decision Ladder: The First Step to Fuel-Efficient Driving for All
Rich C. Mcllroy and Neville A. Stanton
16. If You Can't Beat Them, Join Them: Using Road Transport Methods to Communicate Ergonomics Methods' Outcomes to Aid Road Design
Miranda Cornelissen, Paul M. Salmon, Neville A. Stanton, and Roderick McClure
17. Hands and Feet Free Driving: Ready or Not?
Victoria A. Banks and Neville A. Stanton
18. Telematics, Urban Freight Logistics, and Low Carbon Road Networks
Guy Walker and Alastair Manson
19. End Users' Acceptance and Use of Adaptive Cruise Control Systems
Niklas Strand, I. C. MariAnne Karlsson, and Lena Nilsson
Section IV Aviation Domain
20. Using Neisser's Perceptual Cycle Model to Investigate Aeronautical Decision Making
Katherine L. Plant and Neville A. Stanton
21. Exploring the Role of Culture in Helicopter Accidents
Helen Omole, Guy Walker, and Gina Netto
22. Pilot-Controller Communication Problems and an Initial Exploration of Language-Engineering Technologies as a Potential Solution
Bettina Bajaj and Arnab Majumdar
23. Experimental Study for the Empirical Risk Analysis of Sociotechnical Systems in ATM
Lothar Meyer, Katja Gaunitz, and Hartmut Fricke
24. What about the Next Generation? Assessing Experts' Judgments of Human Abilities Required for Working in a Future АТС Environment
Dirk Schulze Kissing
25. Evaluation of an Arrival Coordinator Position in a Terminal Metering Environment
Joey Mercer, Michael Kupfer, Todd J. Callantine, Vitntny Gujral, and Ashley Gomez
26. Identifying Markers of Performance Decline in Air Traffic Controllers
Tamsyn Edwards, Sarah Sharpies, Barry Kirwan, and John Wilson
27. Investigating Relevant Cognitive Abilities in the Velocity-Obstacle-Based Display for Collision Avoidance
Ursa Katharina Johanna Nagler, Peer Manske, Pierre Sachse, Marco Michael Nitzschner, Markus Martini, and Marco Furtner
28. Aircraft Seat Comfort Experience
Naseem Ahrnadpour, Jean-Marc Robert, and Gitte Lindgaard
29. Rotorcraft-Pilot Couplings Caused by Biodynamic Interaction
Vincenzo Muscarello, Pierangelo Masarati, and Giuseppe Quaranta
Subject Index
Author Index