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Книга на английском языке.Designed to prepare students to become aeronautical engineers who can face new and challenging situations. Retaining the same philosophy as the two preceding editions, this update emphasizes basic principles rooted in the physics of flight, essential analytical techniques along with typical stability and control realities. In keeping with current industry practice, flight equations are presented in dimensional state-vector form. The chapter on closed-loop control has been greatly expanded with details on automatic flight control systems. Uses a real jet transport (the Boeing 747) for many numerical and worked-out examples.
ContentsChapter ι Introduction
1.1 The Subject Matter of Dynamics of Flight
1.2 The Tools of Flight Dynamicists
1.3 Stability, Control, and Equilibrium
1.4 The Human Pilot
1.5 Handling Qualities Requirements
1.6 Axes and Notation
Chapter 2 Static Stability and Control - Part 1
2.1 General Remarks
2.2 Synthesis of Lift and Pitching Moment
2.3 Total Pitching Moment and Neutral Point
2.4 Longitudinal Control
2.5 The Control Hinge Moment
2.6 Influence of a Free Elevator on Lift and Moment
2.7 The Use of Tabs
2.8 Control Force to Trim
2.9 Control Force Gradient
2.10 Exercises
2.11 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 2
Chapter 3 Static Stability and Control - Part
3.1 Maneuverabi1ity - Elevator Angle per g
3.2 Control Force per g
3.3 Influence of High-Lift Devices on Trim and Pitch Stiffness
3.4 Influence of the Propulsive System on Trim and Pitch Stiffness
3.5 Effect of Structural Flexibility
3.6 Ground Effect
3.7 CG Limits
3.8 Lateral Aerodynamics
3.9 Weathercock Stability (Yaw Stiffness)
3.10 Yaw Control
3.11 Roll Stiffness
3.12 The Derivative C
lB3.13 Roll Control
3.14 Exercises
3.15 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 3
Chapter 4 General Equations of Unsteady Motion
4.1 General Remarks
4.2 The Rigid-Body Equations
4.3 Evaluation of the Angular Momentum h
4.4 Orientation and Position of the Airplane
4.5 Euler's Equations of Motion
4.6 Effect of Spinning Rotors on the Euler Equations
4.7 The Equations Collected
4.8 Discussion of the Equations
4.9 The Small-Disturbance Theory
4.10 The Nondimensional System
4.11 Dimensional Stability Derivatives
4.12 Elastic Degrees of Freedom
4.13 Exercises
4.14 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 4
Chapter 5 The Stability Derivatives
5.1 General Remarks
5.2 The α Derivatives
5.3 The и Derivatives
5.4 The q Derivatives
5.5 The ? Derivatives
5.6 The β Derivatives
5.7 The ρ Derivatives
5.8 The r Derivatives
5.9 Summary of the Formulas
5.10 Aeroelastic Derivatives
5.11 Exercises
5.12 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 5
Chapter 6 Stability of Uncontrolled Motion
6.1 Form of Solution of Small-Disturbance Equations
6.2 Longitudinal Modes of a Jet Transport
6.3 Approximate Equations for the Longitudinal Modes
6.4 General Theory of Static Longitudinal Stability
6.5 Effect of Flight Condition on the Longitudinal Modes of a Subsonic Jet Transport
6.6 Longitudinal Characteristics of a STOL Airplane
6.7 Lateral Modes of a Jet Transport
6.8 Approximate Equations for the Lateral Modes
6.9 Effects of Wind
6.10 Exercises
6.11 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 6
Chapter 7 Response to Actuation of the Controls - Open Loop
7.1 General Remarks
7.2 Response of Linear/Invariant Systems
7.3 Impulse Response
7.4 Step-Function Response
7.5 Frequency Response
7.6 Longitudinal Response
7.7 Responses to Elevator and Throttle
7.8 Lateral Steady States
7.9 Lateral Frequency Response
7.10 Approximate Lateral Transfer Functions
7.11 Transient Response to Aileron and Rudder
7.12 Inertial Coupling in Rapid Maneuvers
7.13 Exercises
7.14 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter 7
Chapter 8 Closed-Loop Control
8.1 General Remarks
8.2 Stability of Closed Loop Systems
8.3 Phugoid Suppression: Pitch Attitude Controller
8.4 Speed Controller
8.5 Altitude and Glide Path Control
8.6 Lateral Control
8.7 Yaw Damper
8.8 Roll Controller
8.9 Gust Alleviation
8.10 Exercises
8.11 Additional Symbols Introduced in Chapter
Appendix A Analytical Tools
A.1 Linear Algebra
A.2 The Laplace Transform
A.3 The Convolution Integral
A.4 Coordinate Transformations
A.5 Computation of Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors
A.6 Velocity and Acceleration in an Arbitrarily Moving Frame
Appendix В Data for Estimating Aerodynamic Derivatives
Appendix С Mean Aerodynamic Chord, Mean Aerodynamic Center, and C
macwAppendix D The Standard Atmosphere and Other Data
Appendix E Data For the Boeing 747-100