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Издание на английском и русском языкахThis booklet includes the extended abstracts of presentations at the 13th International Colloquium on Pulsed and Continuous Detonations (ICPCD) organized in St. Petersburg on April 18-21, 2022. The objective of the Colloquium was to provide a forum to disseminate to the scientific community the international state-of-the-art and advancements made in experimental and computational fundamental and applied studies relevant to propulsion and stationary power systems of new generation operating on controlled detonations of gaseous, liquid, and solid propellants.
The volume is addressed to practicing engineers, research scientists working in the field of combustion and propulsion, and graduate students studying the corresponding disciplines.
ContentsChapter 1. Mixing, Combustion, and Deflagration-to-Detonation Transition
Deflagration-to-detonation transition in stoichiometric binary hydrocarbon (methane, propane, ethylene)-hydrogen blends in air
I. O. Shamshin, М. V. Kazachenko, S. M. Frolov, and V. Ya. Basevich
Numerical modeling of near-wall supersonic mixing using IDDES approach
R. S. Solomatin and I. V. Semenov
Определение времен индукции и реакции смесей водорода с воздухом при высоких температурах
Е. А. Баранышин, О. Г. Пенязьков, К. Л. Севрук
Instabilities of Supersonic Combustion at Plasma-Based Flameholding
S. Elliott and S.B. Leonov
Improvement of ignition system of detonation engines with an initiated microwave subcritical streamer discharge
P. V. Bulat, 1.1. Esakov, L. P. Grachev, М. E. Renev, K. N. Volkov, and I. A. Volobuev
О выборе оптимальных типов камер сгорания при инициировании газовой детонации
Д. В. Воронин
Experimental study of the initial stage of the operation process in detonation rocket and air-breathing engines
I. O. Shamshin, V. S. Ivanov, V. S. Aksenov, P. A. Gusev, and S. M. Frolov
Chapter 2. Gaseous Detonations
Новые результаты исследований распространения детонации в вязком турбулентном течении в канале
В. А. Сабельников, В. В. Власенко, С. С. Молев, А. И. Трошин, С. Бахнэ
О некоторых динамических явлениях при распространении газовой детонации в среде с периодической неоднородностью
А.Ю. Голдин, А. Р. Касимов.
Testing of special equipment for video recording of detonation waves
A. N. Samsonov, A. V. Tsarkova, and F. A. Bykovskii
Realization of continiously rotating detonation for syngas-air mixtures
A. V. Trotsyuk
Chapter 3 Multiphase Processes and Detonations
Critical conditions of droplet puffing and microexplosion modes
D. V. Antonov and P. A. Strizhak
Puffing and microexplosion in secondary droplets
P. A. Strizhak and D. V. Antonov
Characteristics of microexplosive dispersion of gel fuel particles ignited in a high-temperature air medium
D. Glushkov, A. Nigay, K. Paushkina, and A. Pleshko
Multidimensional numerical simulation of kerosene spray fragmentation, vaporization, and self-ignition in air
K.A. Byrdin, V. A. Smetanyuk, S.M. Frolov, and I. V. Semenov
Simulation of interaction of homogeneous hydrogen-air detonation with porous filters
D.A. Tropin and K. A. Vyshegorodcev
Chapter 4. Applications of Pulsed and Continuous Detonations
Pulsed and continuous detonations: Overview of available patents for 50 years
K. A. Avdeev, S. M. Frolov, and V. I. Zvegintsev
Transmission of shock and detonation waves into semiconfined channels filled with liquid saturated by gas bubbles
K. A. Avdeev, V. S. Aksenov, I. A. Sadykov, S. M. Frolov, F. S. Frolov, and I. O. Shamshin
О механизме аэроакустического инициирования пульсирующего квазидетонационного горения в эжекторном ПуВРД
К. В. Мигалин, А. К. Сиденко
Исследование процессов детонационного горения в эжекторном ПуВРД
И. П. Бойчук, К. А. Сиденко, А. В. Гринек
Afterburner with continuous detonation of liquid fuel
S. M. Frolov, V. S. Ivanov, I.O. Shamshin, V. S. Aksenov, M. Yu. Vovk, I. V. Mokrynskij, V. A. Bruskov, D. V. Igonkin, S. N. Moskvitin, A. A. Illarionov, and E. Yu. Marchukov
Gasification of gaseous, liquid, and solid wastes with detonation-born ultrasuperheated steam
S.M. Frolov, V. A. Smetanyuk, I. A. Sadykov, A. S. Silantiev, I. O. Shamshin, V.S. Aksenov, K. A. Avdeev, and F. S. Frolov
Shaping of expanding channel for producing planar detonations at open end
V. S. Aksenov, S. M. Frolov, I. A. Sadykov, I. O. Shamshin, A. S. Silantiev, and V. A. Smetanyuk
Прогнозирование возможности развития процессов взрывчатого превращения в СРТТ при различных видах внешних воздействий по степени диспергирования высокоэнергетических материалов
Е. В. Романова, Б. В. Левченко, Р. Г. Никитин
Author Index
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